CTUIR Tribal Health Commission Announces New CEO!

CTUIR Tribal Health Commission Announces New CEO!

MISSION – The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) Health Commission (Commission) has selected a permanent Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center (Yellowhawk) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) effective February 1.

The selection of Aaron Hines as the new Yellowhawk CEO was announced by Commission Chair, Shawna Gavin, during the quarterly all-staff meeting today. 

“We are excited to announce the selection of Aaron Hines as the permanent CEO. Aaron has served as the Interim for the past several months and proved to be an asset and leader for Yellowhawk. We (the Commission) are excited and looking forward to the outlook that Aaron brings, he has a fresh take on our vision and work, and we are excited to have the opportunity to continue working with him directly,” Chair Gavin said. 

Hines has worked for the CTUIR in different capacities for nearly 18 years.  He served on the CTUIR’s governing body, the Board of Trustees (BOT) from 2009-2015 as the General Council Chair for two terms and the Treasurer for one.  During his time on the BOT, he was elected to the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians board as the 1st Vice President and also served as alternate Northwest Area Vice President for the National Congress of American Indians Board of Directors. Hines has also served on various CTUIR committees, commissions and boards, including the Health Commission. He currently serves as the Vice President of the Nixyaawii Community Financial Services board.  Hines was appointed to and currently sits on the Oregon Healthcare Workforce Committee. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Leadership, Organization and Management from Eastern Oregon University.  He is currently pursuing the Healthcare MBA from Oregon Health and Science University and Portland State University.

Hines spoke to his team after thanking the Commission, “I am hopeful and grateful for the opportunity to serve in this capacity.  I am honored to work with such an amazing team here at Yellowhawk. I know there has been a lot of uncertainty with this pandemic, but I’ve seen our staff continue to step up and help out to get the job done. I greatly appreciate their work and I truly value each and every one of our staff members. This is a great team and I am honored to serve them and our community. I look forward to working with our team to address the needs of patients and continue to provide high quality healthcare.  This pandemic has thrown a wrench into our daily lives, but we have learned how to maneuver around it and keep our community safe.”

The CEO reports to the Health Commission and also oversees the daily operations of Yellowhawk.  Yellowhawk has a $40 million dollar budget for 2022 and has approximately 160 staff members.

“We will continue to be nimble and navigate this pandemic the best we can. Every day we are doing great work, and although it may not always feel like it– we will continue to do good things for our community,” Hines said in his opening remarks as Yellowhawk CEO.

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Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center is owned and operated by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation.  It provides primary healthcare and additional services to more than 3,000 American Indian/Alaska Native patients.

Yellowhawk Vision: Our Tribal community achieves optimal health through a culture of wellness.

Yellowhawk Mission: It is our mission to empower our Tribal community with opportunities to learn and experience healthy lifestyle.