News and Updates - Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center
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News and Updates

Request for Proposals

Request for Proposals (RFP) for:

None at this time.

Yellowhawk News

Due to a nationwide cyber threat, Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center (Yellowhawk) Pharmacy and billing services are currently impacted by the attack on our...

Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center (Yellowhawk) is proudly announcing our first Behavioral Health, peer based phone service to our Yellowhawk community. The Yellowhawk Behavioral...

MISSION – The Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center (Yellowhawk) Health Commission (Commission) is excited to announce the adoption of their 2022 Annual Budget. Within...

The CTUIR Health Assessment is a survey that takes a snapshot of the health status of our community.  We use this information to...

View this video for a message from an elder and examples of social distancing.