
Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center carries multiple accreditations.  The Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care – (AAAHC) Certificate of Accreditation demonstrates an organization’s commitment to providing safe, high-quality services to its patients.  AAAHC shows our commitment and coordinated efforts to provide safe, high-quality services to our patients. Every three years our clinic has a multi-day survey conducted by the accreditation board to review the standards of Yellowhawk. We are provided resources and education to support our progress. Because we have met AAAHC standards, we have a solid foundation of structure and quality improvement, which is integrated into our daily work culture. To complement AAAHC, Yellowhawk is also certified as a Patient-Centered Primary Care Home (PCPCH). The foundation of this model is focused on team based, comprehensive coordination, continuity and accessibility of patient health care.  Patient-centered means that you and your health are the focus of your health care team. Medical Home begins with your primary care clinic, where a team of professionals work together to provide you with a new, expanded type of care. Patient-centered medical home is a care approach that brings together an expert team focused on you.


Additionally, Yellowhawk is the leader in the Government Performance and Results Act of 1983. GPRA was designed to improve program management throughout the federal government. Agencies are required to develop a five-year strategic plan outlining its mission, long-term goals, major functions, performance measures, and reporting results.

Health organizations like Yellowhawk are evaluated in the following areas:


    • Diabetes
    • Dental services
    • Immunizations
    • Cancer screening
    • Behavioral health
    • Cardiovascular screenings
    • Childhood weight control and
    • HIV screenings

Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center is one of only five–out of more than one hundred–self-governed tribal health centers in the U.S. to receive national accreditation from the U.S. Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB). Awarded late summer 2020, the clinic went through a multifaceted peer review assessment to prove it meets and or exceeds nationally-set standards and best practices.


What is Public Health Department Accreditation?

    • The measurement of health department performance against a set of nationally recognized, practice-focused and evidenced-based standards.
    • The issuance of recognition of achievement of accreditation within a specified time frame by a nationally recognized entity.
    • The continual development, revision, and distribution of public health standards.


About Accreditation Organizations