Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center patients are categorized into two levels of eligibility: Purchased and Referred Care (PRC) or Direct Care Only (DCO).
The eligibility coordinators at Yellowhawk will review your registration packet and determine whether you are eligible for Direct Care Only (eligible to receive services at Yellowhawk) or for Purchased and Referred Care (eligible to receive services at Yellowhawk and or be referred to an outside provider).
Why do I need to update yearly?
It is very important that your eligibility information remain current and you will be asked to verify your information at every visit. Please notify Yellowhawk if your information changes (address, insurance coverage, etc.) An eligibility form needs to be signed annually regardless of changes.
Update here.
Does the update affect my eligibility?
Indian Health Services requires Yellowhawk to make sure your information is updated yearly. Yellowhawk can end your PRC eligibility if information isn’t current. IHS is a primary source of funding for Yellowhawk, making up approximately half of the operating budget each year. To address shortfalls in congressional funding, Yellowhawk and other tribal, urban, and IHS programs must rely on resources, such as private insurers, Medicare and Medicaid, to meet the level of need.
The eligibility coordinator supervisor can be reached at 541.240.8747.