Emergency Management

2 Weeks Ready

Oregon has experienced a recent cycle of emergencies and disasters, including floods, drought, wildfires, ice storms, excessive heat, and a pandemic. If the recent disasters that have impacted our state have taught us anything, it’s that being prepared can make a big difference. Each Oregon resident should proactively prepare to be self-sufficient for at least two weeks during a disaster.


First responders may not be able to reach everyone impacted within hours or even days after a disaster. This is especially the case in the event of a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake and/or tsunami. Being 2 Weeks Ready means having a plan and enough supplies for you and your household to survive on your own for a full two weeks should a disaster occur.


Learn more from the 2 Weeks Ready Campaign here. 


Do you need an Incident Command Guidebook? Pick one up at our Public Health Department.