Tribal Health Commission

In order to ensure and oversee the provision of adequate health care for members of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) and other persons eligible to receive healthcare services at or through the Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center (Yellowhawk), the CTUIR, through its Board of Trustees, hereby establishes and delegates to the CTUIR Tribal Health Commission (Commission) pursuant to Article VI, §1(c) of the CTUIR Constitution, the powers and duties set forth in this Charter, which powers and duties shall be conducted pursuant to the Constitution of the CTUIR and this Charter.

The CTUIR Tribal Health Commission, Yellowhawk’s governing body, is comprised of local Tribal members as well as one CTUIR Board of Trustees representative. The Health Commission creates policies (subject to the Board of Trustees’ approval) and works closely with the Executive Management Team to develop strategy at the beginning of each year for Yellowhawk’s success.

Commission Members
Althea Huesties-Wolf, Chair

Althea Huesties-Wolf


Dorothy Cyr, Member

Dorothy Cyr

Vice Chair

Shawna Gavin, Secretary

Shawna Gavin


Alan Crawford, BOT Representative

Alan Crawford

BOT Representative

Denise Wickert, Vice Chair

Denise Wickert


Dara Williams-Worden, Member

Dara Williams-Worden


Carrie Sampson-Samuels, Member

Carrie Sampson-Samuels
