Introducing Dr. James Winde

Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center would like to take this opporunity to welcome our new doctor to the community, Dr. James Winde.


Starting at Yellowhawk in 2019 Dr. Winde specializes in family medicine. He enjoys the interactions with patients in his practice, “most patients are very polite and inquisitive. They educate themselves and they really want to learn about how their bodies work.”


Dr. Winde completed his medical degree at the Texas Tech University of Health Sciences Center School of Medicine with honors in 1993. During his 27 years in medicine Dr. Winde has also worked in sleep medicine.


Doctor Winde

Living in Eastern Oregon allows Dr. Winde to enjoy activities such as fishing, hiking, and gardening. It also gives him the opportunity to spend time with his grandchildren. Yellowhawk and the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation also drew Dr. Winde back to the eastern side of the Pacific Northwest. Yellowhawk allows him to work “with a world class group of people that are dedicated to helping patients achieve good health and fulfilling lives.”


Please help us welcome Dr. Winde to the Yellowhawk community.

Patient Resources

Hands Washing

What To Do When Communities Reopen?


As communities around the region begin to reopen after this long and challenging stay at home order it is important to continue to practice key behaviors for your safety and the safety of your family and community. These recommendations may seem like old information by now, but they are still essential practices.


+ Wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap

+ Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash

+ Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around those not in your household

+ Keep six feet between yourself and those not in your household

+ Avoid close contact with people who are sick when possible

+ Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces daily


Stay Safe, Stay Healthy!

For the latest information on COVID-19 testing at Yellowhawk see our website at