CTUIR Strong: COVID-19 Surveillance Study

Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center is conducting a COVID-19 Surveillance Study on the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. The 50 volunteers from Yellowhawk and 50 volunteers who work for the CTUIR, or its other business entities, will be tested for COVID-19 three different times at two week intervals. The first testing will be done on Tuesday, May 12th, and Wednesday, May 13th. All tests will remain confidential and will not be disclosed to the individuals’ employer.


The first round of testing will help establish a baseline for the infection rate for COVID-19 on the CTUIR. The second and third rounds of testing will show the change in the infection rate, whether it is increasing or decreasing. All testing for COVID-19 at Yellowhawk prior to the Surveillance Study has been negative. Since it is unlikely there are infections on the reservation it is hard to determine if or when the CTUIR should reopen.

The Surveillance Study will give useful data to the Board of Trustees about the prevalence COVID-19 on the CTUIR moving forward.


Generally recommendations on reopening states and local counties focuses on a decrease in infections rates over a given period of time, usual two to three weeks. Right now the Oregon state rates are showing a decreasing trend. However, the rates in surrounding areas to the CTUIR, including Umatilla County in Oregon and Walla Walla County in Washington State, have not been decreasing. This makes it a challenge for the Board of Trustees and the Incident Command Team in making its recommendations for a reopening schedule. The Surveillance Study will lend some data to help with those decisions.


Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center will keep the community up-to-date on the results of the study as they are available for dissemination to the public.

Patient Resources

Fun Run

May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month


Throughout the month of May Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center will be sharing physical fitness information and videos via social media.


+  PE @home: Shoshoni Walker will share quick and easy exercise videos on Facebook every Monday and Wednesday throughout the month of May.

+  Let’s Play BINGO: Play BINGO the physical fitness way! Complete 30 minutes of each activity on the card and mark it off. Get five in an row and BINGO! Find the card on Yellowhawk’s Facebook or in the May CUJ.


Tips for Workouts at Home


Make use of Household Items

+ Chairs can support squats or be used for chair exercises

+ Gallon jugs, canned goods, books, or water bottles can be used as weights


Be Active Together

+ Do activities with other members of your household

+ Call or video chat a friend and complete a workout together at the same time

Here is to staying home and staying safe now for more Fun Runs in the future.