Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center is beginning Phase One of reopening. To keep yourself, our community, and Yellowhawk staff safe we ask that you observe the following policies and practices when visiting the clinic:
+ If you have a fever or cough and do not need immediate medical care reschedule your appointment.
+ If you have a fever or cough and do need immediate medical care call your provider first.
+ Wear a face covering to the clinic (if you do not have one Yellowhawk will provide one for you).
+ After your screening please stop by the eligibility coordinators to update your patient information.
+ After your screeing please stop by the eligibility coordinators to obtain your ticket to ensure check-in for your appointment.
+ Observe social distancing while in the clinic.
+ Do not bring anyone with you unless you need assistance. Children can have one adult/guardian and an elder can have one caregiver.
You are part of what keeps this community healthy. Thank you.