Sober Transitional Housing

SOBER TRANSITIONAL HOUSING (STH) will provide a wrap-around support system during the duration of the participant’s stay. This is an alcohol and drug free home in conjunction with Behavioral Health (BH) Department’s out-patient services (level 1) currently provided to eligible participants.


This support system allows participants to avoid the isolation that can sometimes come with returning home while in the early stages of recovery. It further provides an environment to support recovery from substance abuse and addiction for those who are emerging from rehabilitation.


The STH acts as supplement to a participant’s recovery. It is an alternative to going from an immersive care environment to an unstructured home environment without having to give up the comforts of a home. Because sober living replicates a home environment with normal, everyday life situations while instilling healthy habits, it helps to reduce the risk of relapse.


+ The program lasts up to one year. Length of stay is determined in consultation with a participant’s counselor.

+ Housing is provided for 6 males and 6  females, in separate male and female homes

+ The housing is a standard home with a kitchen, living room, bedrooms, and bathrooms

+ There is 24 hour peer support for participants

+ All participants will be involved in Yellowhawk’s Behaviorial Health outpatient services

+ The model for treatment is a peer support model with Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselors and Certified Recovery Mentors. Primarily Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy therapies will be used in conjunction with contingency management for motivation, culturally grounded practices will be encouraged along with the Community Based AA and NA groups.

+ Participants will be involved in full time work, or full time education programs or a combination of both.

+ This is a drug and alcohol-free facility


+ Adults, 18 years of age and older who are eligible for services at Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center and have a diagnosed substance use disorder.

+ Someone who is 30 days clean and sober from substance use.

+ Someone who is transitioning back into the community from rehabilitation or is in fear of relapse and needs a safe place to continue their journey to long-term recovery.

+ Someone who wants to be an active participant and compliant with their treatment plan while in the program.

We work with participants in conjunction with other Tribal/community programs and services to provide wrap-around care that is supportive, strength based and culturally grounded. This can include job skills, GED/High School Diploma, Vocational Rehabilitation, budgeting, cooking/cleaning skills and family reunification plans. Our hope is that all participants feel supported and empowered in “their way” to recovery.

Why might a person need Sober Transitional Housing?

The journey to recovery is a process. One of the biggest challenges an individual can face during recovery is returning to their life without the supports they need to keep them sober. Staying sober takes a lot of hard work and there are many bumps that can knock someone off course. Sober Transitional Housing is here to help participants through those bumps.


Substance abuse is also a learned behavior. After a person has been through detox, the next step is to “unlearn” substance use and “relearn” how to live sober. The Sober Transitional Housing Program at Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center can help participants learn to take the small simple steps that lead to healthier long-term decisions and behaviors in a supportive community environment. The STH acts a supplement to an individual’s recovery.  It is an alternative to going from an immersive care environment straight to a totally unstructured environment at home. Because sober living replicates normal, everyday life situations while instilling healthy habits, it helps to reduce the risk of relapse.

How Can We Help?

In the earliest days of sobriety it can be challenging when transitioning from the rehabilitation environment back to regular life. This is especially true after spending an extended period of time in a residential program, where the structure and constant support act as protective factors against relapse. Once the program is done, the individual is exposed to triggers or situations that can undermine their sobriety. This is where Yellowhawk’s Sober Transitional Housing (STH) can help.


+ American Society of Addiction Medicine Assessment

+ Individualized Services & Support Plan

+ Peer-Delivered Supports

+ Culturally Specific Supports

+ Holistic Wrap Around Services


+ Pursuing Individual Recovery

+ Developing Individual Life Skills

+ Pursuing Educational and Career Goals

+ Building a Community-Based Support System for a Recovery Lifestyle

+ Reconnecting with Healthy Family and Friends

For more information call 541.240.8695