Tribal Assisters

Resource Coordinator & Public Services Coordinator


Yellowhawk offers tribal assisters to help with applications through our Resource Coordinator and Public Services Coordinator positions. Tribal assister offices are available Monday through Friday during regular business hours, appointments are preferred but walk-in help is offered if staff are available.  Resource Coordinator is available to navigate insurance options and enrollment. For social security questions please contact the Local Social Security office 877.405.0480.


Resource Coordinators are responsible for screening patients for Oregon Health Plan/Medicaid.  If a patient is eligible for Purchase Referred Care (PRC) this an annual requirement to maintain eligibility. Oregon Health Plan (OHP) is a state medical insurance available to Oregon residents for free.


Eligibility is dependent on multiple factors. Our staff can assist patients with applications for Oregon Health Plan/Medicaid or the Federal Marketplace (for those not eligible for Medicaid).


Resource Coordinators can also provide assistance with locating other resources for household needs (items such as food, clothing, and DME supplies).


The purpose of Public Services Coordinator is to assist community elders with applications for APD and CAPECO. We also work with the state SHIBA office to help with Medicare applications. The Public Services Coordinator Program is a formal partnership between local APD/AAA local offices and Tribal Entities. Programs and services are not always easy to access, and the process can be confusing and complicated. That’s why Yellowhawk has partnered with the Oregon Department of Human Services, Office of Aging and People with Disabilities to provide a Tribal Navigator.


What Public Services Coordinators do:

    • Assist with applications in person or by phone for
      • APD for medical or long term care assessment.
      • CAPECO for senior services, rental assistance, money management services.
      • Medicare for medical Part A/B
    • Accompany /Transport elder for APD applications and help APD staff with annual assessments
    • Help elders report changes for programs that need updates and changes
    • Provide information (referrals) for local programs and services to help with activities of daily living.


What Public Services Coordinators do NOT:

    • Cannot transport elders in private vehicles for official business.
    • Cannot provide house cleaning, shopping, or cooking services.