Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center logo

Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center

We focus on prevention and wellness for all of our people, from unborn children to elders.


Are you eligible to receive services at Yellowhawk? Our patients are categorized into two levels of eligibility: Purchased Referred Care (PRC) or Direct Care Only (DCO).


Yellowhawk strives to introduce healthy lifestyle choices. Check out all of our events and activities.


We offer excellent career opportunities for those who are interested in making a difference.

It is our mission to empower our Tribal community with opportunities to learn and to experience a healthy lifestyle.

Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center Aims For Net-Zero Energy Use

Yellowhawk is the first tribal building in the state to enroll in Path to Net-Zero from Energy Trust of Oregon, which offers incentives and resources to projects pursuing net-zero energy use.

Front of Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center Building